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    • by:
    • July 27th, 2023
    • Category:

    Save the Date: PhD-verdediging Michaël Claessens 24/8/2023

    Michaël Claessens is pleased to invite you to his public PhD defence in Medical Sciences under supervision of prof. D. Verellen 'Exploring machine learning applications for automation and optimization of patient individualized carepaths in radiotherapy'

    Save the Date: PhD-verdediging Michaël Claessens 24/8/2023

    Michaël Claessens is pleased to invite you to his public PhD defence in Medical Sciences under supervision of prof. D. Verellen 'Exploring machine learning applications for automation and optimization of patient individualized carepaths in radiotherapy'


    You are welcome to join in the Promotiezaal, building Q, campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk or online.

    Language: English

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